
Iespēja pieteikties apmācībai ultrasonogrāfijā ginekoloģijā un dzemdniecībā

Latvijas Ginekologu un dzemdību speciālistu asociācija un dr.Dace Matule aicina pieteikties kursu programmai metodes sertifikāta iegūšanai ultrasonogrāfijā ginekoloģijā un dzemdniecībā.

Kursi tiks organizēti sadarbībā ar Latvijas Ārstu biedrību š.g. 22.-24.martā Latvijas Ārstu biedrības telpās.

Kursu cena ir 45 Ls, dalībnieku skaits ierobežots.

Pieteikšanās kursiem caur šo saiti

Latvijas Kolposkopijas asociācijas pirmā sēde

Aicinām visus Latvijas Ginekologu un dzemdību speciālistu asociācijas biedrus un interesentus apmeklēt pirmo Latvijas Kolposkopijas asociācijas sēdi, kas norisināsies Rīgas Dzemdību nama Lielajā konferenču zālē 15.februārī plkst.16.

Pagarināts tēžu iesniegšanas termiņš EBCOG kongresam Tallinā

Aicinām asociācijas biedrus iesūtīt abstraktus EBCOG kongresam Tallinā - organizētāji pagarinājuši iesniegšanas termiņu. Lūk, fragments no EBCOG prezidentes vēstules: We have received a significant number of abstracts but are keen to make sure that we have as many good quality abstracts as possible. At this meeting we therefore decided to extend the deadline for the submission of abstracts until 20th February. We are eager to make Tallinn a really successful Congress for EBCOG and we rely greatly on your commitment and good will, as a national delegate of EBCOG, to promote the Congress as actively as possible in your own country. I am therefore asking each national delegate to please try and ensure that a minimum number of 10 abstracts are submitted by doctors in your country before this deadline. As a result of many requests from people who have submitted abstracts, we have decided to replace the proposed ‘E-Poster Sessions’ with Oral Communications.  This will provide young doctors in training with an excellent opportunity to present their work on a truly international stage. Please encourage your trainees to do so and ask them to encourage others. I would also like to invite you to consider acting as a Chairperson for one or more session in Tallinn. Unfortunately this invitation can only be extended to those people already planning to attend the Congress, as we cannot cover the expenses or waive the registration fees of national delegates. If you would be interested in Chairing one or more sessions, please do let me know. The strength of the EBCOG family lies in its member national societies and their representatives. I would ask you to please support the Congress in whichever way you are best able to help make Tallinn a great success. Kind regards, Chiara Chiara Benedetto President of EBCOG