
The 18th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology

Dear Dr. ,

I would like to introduce myself as the new ISGE Secretary. I am excited about joining the ISGE Secretariat and its activities.

The 18th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology  to be held in Florence from the 7th to the 10th March 2018 is now in progress and the preliminary program is going to be done very soon.

Please find here relevant information.

Furthermore I am glad to announce that we are now ready for ISGRE Winter School to be held in Madonna di Campiglio from the 22nd to the 26th January 2017. The ISGRE Congress is designated for up to 25 European CME credits (ECMEC) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME)

Please check here the Scientific Program.

Let me remind you all the benefits you can take advantage of as an Isge Member:

         - Free Access to the digital edition of “Gynecological Endocrinology”

         - Discount on all courses organized by the International School of Gynecological and Reproductive Endocrinology

         - Online access to all the lectures of the latest world congresses with slides and audio

         - €100 discount on the World Congress registration.

         - Monthly newsletter with news, abstracts, reviews and other contents on the Gynecological Endocrinology topics.

In the meantime, if there is any further information I can provide you with please  do not hesitate to contact me.

I wish you a lovely day.

Kind Regards,

Elisabetta Piras
ISGE Secretary
+39 070 340293

Pēcdiploma lekcijas - Aktualitātes dzemdniecībā un ginekoloģijā "2017.gada 21.janvāris - 11.februāris"


25. EBCOG kongress Antālijā 2017. gada pavasarī!


Cienījamie ginekologi- seniori!

Mīļi aicinām uz ikgadējo pirms Ziemassvētku pasākumu Rīgas Dzemdību namā 16. decembrī plkst. 14:00! Mūsu viesis būs emeritētais profesors Jānis Raibarts. Sagaidāmi jauki pārsteigumi!

Uz tikšanos!