
Privātuma politika

 Privātuma politika GINASOC App

This is the decision of the Board in this matter.

PRIVACY POLICY of the GINASOC official mobile application (hereinafter: Application) for an Latvian Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians

I. General Provisions
This Privacy Policy is an expression of concern for the safety and privacy of persons using the Application. The Application is operated by Latvan Association of
Gynecologists and Obstetricians with its registered office in Riga, Latvia, Miera Street 45, LV-1013, LV, Reg. Number 40008061658 (hereinafter referred to as:
Mobile Application Holder). The Application Holder uses hosting services provided by Latvijas Universitātes Matemātikas un informātikas institūts.

II. Personal Data

The GINASOC makes every effort to make the Application easy for every user to browse current information about the industry news and association events, communicate with other users and the Application organiser, contact the developer of the Application and interact. Therefore, for the sake of safety and convenience of using the Application, we inform you that by navigating the Application, you agree that the Application may record logs and other voluntarily provided personal data. The data you will be asked for in the registration, login and profile editing forms are necessary for the operation of the Application within the scope of the functionalities associated with your user account. Providing the data is voluntary. Failure to provide the requested data will block the activity to which the data refers. By creating an account in the Application that belongs to Latvian Association of Gynecologists and Obstericians, it is possible to use the same account in all Mobile Applications within the GINASOC service belonging to Latvian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

III. Types and purpose of data use Public Personal Data

The personal data provided in the GINASOC Applications in the profile edit view are accessible to all users of the Applications who are logged in to their Accounts. The GINASOC has no means of protecting you against private persons using this data to send you unspecified information. Therefore, this data is not subject to the Privacy Policy.

Collecting data
The data collected in the logs are used only for improving the operation of the Application and for statistical purposes. We do not seek to identify users of the Application.
The statistical data on the use of the Application are used only for the purpose of improving the operation of the Application.
To collect statistical data and information about errors in the Application, we use libraries provided by:
- Google, Inc - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA - to collect information on errors for the Application for devices with Android and iOS
system Depending on the mobile platform, the Application may gain access to the following permissions on the device:
- the photo gallery to upload a photo to the Wall module, Photo Gallery, Photo Booth, Chat, Profile.
- the camera to upload a photo to the Wall module, Photo Gallery, Photo Booth, Chat, Profile and QR code scanner.

Use of Data
The logs collected are kept indefinitely as support material for the sole purpose of improving the operation of the Application. The information contained therein is not disclosed to anyone other than those authorised to administer the Application. Statistics may be generated from the log files to assist in administration. Aggregate summaries in the form of such statistics do not contain any identifying characteristics of persons using the Application.


The GINASOC reserves the right to send messages to persons whose contact data it has in its possession and who have agreed to the processing of the data provided
in the forms, in accordance with the Privacy Policy. By the term " Messages", the GINASOC means information relating directly to its Applications, services and products (e.g. changes).

IV. Users' rights with regard to personal data

The GINASOC shall ensure that users providing personal data exercise their rights under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as, GDPR), also including the right to request completion, updating, rectification of personal data, temporary or permanent suspension of their processing or deletion, if they are incomplete, outdated, untrue or collected in violation of the Act, or are no longer required for the purpose for which they were collected. The user has the right to delete his/her personal data at any time by contacting krumina.krista7@gmail.com
The GINASOC uses technical and organisational measures to best secure the collected personal data against unauthorised access or misuse by unauthorised persons.

V. Amendments to the Privacy Policy

The GINASOC reserves the right to introduce changes to the Privacy Policy. Each user of the Applications belonging to Latvian Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians is bound by the current "Privacy Policy". Latvian Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians shall inform about any changes to the Privacy Policy in the Application.

VI. Additional information

In case of any questions or doubts as to the Privacy Policy, the GINASOC asks for a contact at the e-mail address given on the website krumina.krista7@gmail.com

VII. Terms and Conditions

Icons made by www.ginasoc.lv

Intended usage

This Application has been designed for members of Latvian Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians to more effectively improve communication with other colleagues, to share interesting clinical cases and create a discussion on current topics, to more conveniently learn the news and current affairs of the industry.

The application's official website is www.ginasoc.lv. Terms of using this Application ypu acknowledge that you are over 18 years of the age and are an active member of Latvian Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians. You are a health or health research professional. This Application is not designed for use by patients, general public, or those under the age of 18 years.

Patients Identifying information is not allowed to be published in written descriptions, photographs, or pedigrees unless the patient (or parent or guardian) gives written informad conset for publication.