

We would like to inform you about the conference «EASTERN EUROPEAN PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS: maternal fetal medicine», which will be held in Kyiv on April, 7-8, 2017. More information on www.mfmdays.com.ua/en
The conference is supported by The Fetal Medicine Foundation and conducted in partnership with Department of Ob/G and Fetal Medicine of Ukrainian National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. The organizers are Publishing House ‘EXTEMPORE’, research and practice journals ‘Taking Care of a Woman’, “Neonatalogy and Fetal medicine PRACTICUM”.
Conference mentors are Prof. Kypros Nicolaides, founder the charity Fetal Medicine Foundation, and
Prof. Gerard Visser, executive Board member of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine (immediate past‐president).
The scientific program includes following:
∙       prediction of fetal distress,
∙       prenatal early diagnostics of chromosome anomalies (GD, PE),
∙       perinatal Infections,
∙       impaired fetal growth,
∙       gestational diabetes,
∙       preterm birth,
∙       twins management,
∙       fetal anemia.
Early registration has started since 1st of February 2017 on www.mfmdays.com.ua/en
Conference fees:
∙       early registration (till 6th of March) is 110 €
∙       late registration (till 3rd of April) is 150 €
∙       onsite registration is 170 €

27th ISUOG World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Congress registration and abstract submission are now open!
Join us in vibrant Vienna 16-19 September 2017 for the 27th ISUOG World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. With its imperial palaces, cultural charm and intellectual legacy shaped by residents such as Mozart and Sigmund Freud, we are delighted to be travelling to Vienna this September. We hope you will be too. 
Register as a Congress delegate to participate in high-level didactic activities led by international specialists and leaders in the field of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology. Sessions include masterclasses, oral presentations, poster discussions, workshops and more. 
We are also holding three pre-Congress courses 15 September: Essentials in fetal MRI, Modern obstetric management: the latest updates and ISUOG Basic Training course. Register for these courses at the same time as you register for the Congress. 
Over 96% of last year's delegates would recommend the ISUOG Congress to a colleague. Some of their feedback includes:
"The ISUOG World Congress is the best venue to interact with ultrasound professionals from around the globe, to learn, to teach, to connect with people you might only know from their publications, and others who you would never meet otherwise."
“If you consider only one ultrasound Congress: This should be your choice!"
Significant discounts apply for ISUOG members, abstract submitters, trainees and sonographers. See our registration page for all fees.
Interested in presenting your research? There is less than two months to submit your abstract! Submission deadline is 31 March.

1st European Congress of Ian Donald Schools

Dear Ian Donald School Directors and friends,

It is a great pleasure for us to share with you the scientific programme of the 1st European Congress of Ian Donald Schools (see attached file) to be held together with the 6th Advanced Ian Donald Course Italian branch and the SIEOG Course on Fetal Heart & Doppler Velocimetry. The venue is Regina Margherita Hotel, Cagliari and it will be held from 16th to 18th June 2017.

Many of the most qualified Italian colleagues will be present, as well as more than 50 international speakers as best experts in the world in the field of Ultrasound in Ob/Gyn.

The presence of so many excellent professionals in various fields of medicine, such as ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology will undoubtedly contribute to the scientific value of the event and to the professional growth of all participants.

1st European Congress of Ian Donald Schools

Ultrasonogrāfija prenatālajā diagnostikā un ginekoloģijā


Tiešā saite uz elektronisko pieteikuma veidlapu: https://formas.rsu.lv/v3/forma/30760320  

TIF Kursu daļa: tālrunis 67409216; 67409209, e-pasts: kursi@rsu.lv

Multidisciplināra dzemdes kakla priekšvēža un vēža saslimšanu profilakse, diagnostika un ārstēšana

Latvijas Ginekologu un dzemdību speciālistu asociācija sadarbībā ar Latvijas Kolposkopijas biedrību un Latvijas Patologu asociāciju

ielūdz uz starpdisciplināru konferenci 02.06.2017.

„Multidisciplināra dzemdes kakla priekšvēža un vēža saslimšanu profilakse, diagnostika un ārstēšana”

Mērķa auditorija – ginekologi, onkoginekologi, patologi, citologi, ģimenes ārsti

Norises vieta – Viesnīca "Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija"


11:00-12:00     Reģistrācija

12:00-12:10     Atklāšana. Latvijas Ginekologu un dzemdību speciālistu asociācijas prezidente Dr. Dace Matule

12:20-12:40     Multidisciplinārās pieejas nozīme dzemdes kakla priekšvēža un vēža saslimšanu profilaksē, diagnostikā un ārstēšanā. Dr. med. Dace Rezeberga

12:40-13:25     Dzemdes kakla priekšvēža un vēža primārās profilakses aktualitātes – vakcinācija. Dr. med. Dace Zavadska

13:25-13:45     Dzemdes kakla priekšvēža citoloģiskās diagnostikas aktualitātes. Kvalitātes kritēriji citoloģijas laboratorijām. Dr. med. Ludmila Eņģele.

13:45-14:15     Kafijas pauze

14:15-14:45     Ginekoloģisko citoloģisko izmeklējumu veikšanas pieredze Viļņas Nacionālā patoloģijas centrā. Dr. Donatas Petroška, Viļņas Nacionālā patoloģijas centrs, Citopatoloģijas nodaļas vadītājs

14:45-15:00     Šķidruma un konvencionālās citoloģijas salīdzinājums dzemdes kakla priekšvēža izmaiņu diagnostikā – preliminārie pētījuma dati. Dr. Natālija Bērza.

15:00-15:20   Dzemdes kakla pirmsvēža stāvokļu morfoloģija. Dr.med. Sergejs Isajevs

15:20-15:50     Latvijas klīniskās vadlīnijas dzemdes kakla priekšvēža saslimšanu profilaksei, diagnostikai, ārstēšanai un novērošanai – akcenti par svarīgākiem ginekologu, citologu un patologu sadarbības jautājumiem. Dr. med. Jana Žodžika

15:50-16:15     Dažu sarežģīto dzemdes kakla priekšvēža klīnisko gadījumu analīze. Dr. Irina Jermakova

16:15-16:30     Diskusija