Pēcdiploma lekciju materiāli 30.01.16.
Teipošanas kursi Ginekoloģijā (K-teiping)
Kursa pasniedzējs: ārsts rehabilitologs Uģis Beķeris
Norises laiks: 2016.gada 13.februāris plkst.: 9.00 – 17.00
Latvijas Ginekoloģiskās endoskopijas asociācija organizē PAMATA KURSUS LAPAROSKOPIJĀ
UZMANĪBU! Reģistrācija tiks slēgta 21.02.16! Lūdzam visus interesentus reģistrēties līdz šim datumam!
Reģistrācija: http://goo.gl/forms/MRhouD5VN7
Norises vieta - Anniņmuižas bulvāris 26a,Rīga, Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, Medicīnas izglītības tehnoloģiju centrs
Datumi - 17 - 18 marts 2016
Dalības maksa - Ārsti - speciālisti - 100 eur Ārsti - rezidenti – 60 eur
Semināra sākums pl. 10.00
Dr. Melkas uzruna
Operāciju telpas tehniskais nodrošīnājums.(Aprīkojums, instrumenti) Pacienta pozicionēšana. - dr. Nellija Lietuviete, ginekologs, RAKUS "Gaiļezers"
Kafijas pauze
Pacients un laparaskopija - kas jāzin operējošam ārstam par narkozes īpatnībām un norisi. - dr. Jānis Zaķis, anestesziologs, JV klīnika
Pneimoperitoneja izveidošana, troakāru ievadīšanas principi. Troakāru izvietojuma veidi atkarība no operāciju apjoma.Troakāru ievadīšanas komplikācijas - dr. Rita Zarembina, ginekologs, Priekules slimnīca
Kafijas pauze
Laparoskopiskā anatomija. - Dr. Dace Melka, ginekologs, Latvijas Jūras Medicīnas Centrs
Semināra sākums var mainīties atkarībā no translācijas laika
Operācijas translācija no CICE Clermont-Ferrand. Operators - prof. Revaz Botchorishvili, CHU Estaing, Clermont - Ferrand, Francija
Kafijas pauze
Elektroķirurģijas pamati. Elektrības izraisītas komplikācijas - dr. Antons Babuškins, ginekologs, Latvijas Jūras Medicīnas Centrs
Pamata iemaņas laparoskopiskajā ķirurģijā. Audu dissekcijas principi. dr. Juris Vītols, ginekologs, JV klīnika
Praktiskās iemaņas uz LapSim un SimBox trenažieriem
Noslēgumā interaktīva diskusija. Kolēģu komentāri un ieteikumi.
Sertifikātu izsniegšana
Lūdzam kolēģus reģistrēties savlaicīgi, lai precizētu semināra norises variantus.
Reģistrācija - http://goo.gl/forms/MRhouD5VN7
Sveicam ar rezidentūras beigšanu un ginekologa-dzemdību speciālista sertifikāta iegūšanu dr. Irinu Rumjancevu!
Ar dr. Rumjancevas rezidentūras noslēguma darbu iespējams iepazīties šeit: Grūtniecības atrisināšanas taktika un iznākums augļa iegurņa priekšguļas gadījumā šodien un pirms 20 gadiem
Specialist examination - "European Fellow in Obstetrics and Gynaecology EFOG-EBCOG" 24. EBCOG kongresa ietvaros Turīnā 19.-21. maijā
As you know, the 24th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology will be held in the beautiful, culturally rich and vibrant city of Torino, Italy, from 19-21 May 2016 in collaboration with the historical and prestigious University Of Torino, Italy.
This Congress will provide obstetricians and gynaecologists with an invaluable opportunity to enhance their knowledge in the broad domain of our specialty. However, in addition, on 18th May, EBCOG will also be launching the much awaited specialist examination - "European Fellow in Obstetrics and Gynaecology EFOG-EBCOG". Doctors from anywhere in the world will be able to sit a "Knowledge Based Assessment" examination in Torino during the Congress.
One of the central tenets of EU policy is the free movement of its citizens and professionals. The EFOG-EBCOG Fellowship is intended to facilitate this process for medical specialists in Ob/Gyn by helping to provide a benchmark for quality assurance although the fellowship at the present time does not imply official recognition.
The EFOG-EBCOG Examination consists of 2 parts:
· Part I is a Knowledge Based Assessment (KBA);
· Part 2 is a Clinical Skills Assessment (OSCE);
· Participation is subject to eligibility;
· Part 2 of the examination can only be taken after Part 1 has been passed.
Successful candidates will receive the award of European Fellow of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - EFOG-EBCOG and may use this title. Passing the exam does not confer or imply a license to practice obstetrics or gynaecology in any country of Europe or elsewhere, but successful candidates become EBCOG Fellows in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG-EFOG) and will be given a certificate of Fellowship.
The EBCOG examination is intended to assess the knowledge gained by the candidates during their training in general Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The assessment is extended to the application of this knowledge to clinical cases and is based on the EBCOG training syllabus.
Who can sit the exam?
· Candidates must have a primary medical degree; they must be medical doctors;
· Candidates must be listed on the Register of Medical Practitioners of their own country;
· Candidates will be able to sit the exam at the end of their mandatory national ob/gyn specialist training programme;
· Candidates will be asked to provide evidence of their good standing from their Medical Council (Regulatory Medical Body) or their Employing Authority or their Head of Department;
· Candidates must provide evidence of their clinical experience and post-graduate training since graduation;
· Candidates must certify that they are not currently suspended or removed from medical practice by the Medical Council/Hospital or any other body. They must also confirm that they
are not involved in any disciplinary procedure related to their clinical practice anywhere in the world or provide details about any pending procedures.
The fees to sit the examination are: Part 1 € 500 and Part 2 € 500 and an optional Pre-Examination Course is also being run in January 2016 in Brussels.
Further information and application forms are available at: http://www.ebcog.eu/index.php?